- World
- Portugal
- Distrito do Porto
- Vila Nova de Gaia
Time in Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal now
05:54:47 pm
Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024, week 49
Sun: ↑ 07:44 am ↓ 05:07 pm More info
Vila Nova de Gaia
Your local time
Time difference (same time)
When it is Vila Nova de Gaia time it will be my local time
Vila Nova de Gaia
5:00 PM
Your time
5:00 PM
Vila Nova de Gaia time zone
Abbreviation for this time zone is WET, UTC +00:00
The IANA time zone identifier for Vila Nova de Gaia is Europe/Lisbon
Sun Info
- Sunrise: 07:44 am
- Sunset: 05:07 pm
- Solar noon: 12:25 pm
- Day length: 09h 23m
Golden hour photography: 07:44 am — 08:27 am | 04:24 pm — 05:07 pm
07:44 am
05:07 pm
12:25 pm
09h 23m
Alternative Names
- Portus Cale
- Gaia
- Vila Nova de Gaia
Vila Nova de Gaia on the map
Latitude: 41.12 Longitude: -8.61
Key facts
41.12401, -8.61241
Portuguese Republic
92,391 km2
PRT, 620
Euro (EUR)
pt-PT, mwl
100 largest cities in Portugal
Time difference Vila Nova de Gaia from popular cities
UTC +02
2 hours
UTC -06
-6 hours
UTC -08
-8 hours
UTC -05
-5 hours
UTC -03
-3 hours
UTC -05
-5 hours
UTC +07
7 hours
UTC +07
7 hours
UTC +04
4 hours
UTC +02
2 hours
UTC +08
8 hours
UTC +03
3 hours
UTC +09
9 hours
UTC +08
8 hours
UTC +09
9 hours
UTC +11
11 hours
UTC +01
1 hour
UTC +03
3 hours
UTC +00
same time
UTC +03
3 hours
UTC +01
1 hour
UTC +01
1 hour
UTC +01
1 hour
UTC +01
1 hour