- World
- Croatia
- Zagreb County
- Velika Gorica
Time in Velika Gorica, Croatia now
06:56:20 pm
Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024, week 49
Sun: ↑ 07:20 am ↓ 04:14 pm More info
Velika Gorica
Your local time
Time difference (+ 1 hour)
When it is Velika Gorica time it will be my local time
Velika Gorica
6:00 PM
Your time
5:00 PM
Velika Gorica time zone
Abbreviation for this time zone is CET, UTC +01:00
The IANA time zone identifier for Velika Gorica is Europe/Zagreb
Sun Info
- Sunrise: 07:20 am
- Sunset: 04:14 pm
- Solar noon: 11:47 am
- Day length: 08h 54m
Golden hour photography: 07:20 am — 08:08 am | 03:25 pm — 04:14 pm
07:20 am
04:14 pm
11:47 am
08h 54m
Alternative Names
- Velika Gorica
- Nagygoricza
Velika Gorica on the map
Latitude: 45.71 Longitude: 16.08
Key facts
45.7125, 16.07556
Republic of Croatia
56,542 km2
HRV, 191
Euro (EUR)
hr-HR, sr
84 largest cities in Croatia
Time difference Velika Gorica from popular cities
UTC +02
1 hour
UTC -06
-7 hours
UTC -08
-9 hours
UTC -05
-6 hours
UTC -03
-4 hours
UTC -05
-6 hours
UTC +07
6 hours
UTC +07
6 hours
UTC +04
3 hours
UTC +02
1 hour
UTC +08
7 hours
UTC +03
2 hours
UTC +09
8 hours
UTC +08
7 hours
UTC +09
8 hours
UTC +11
10 hours
UTC +01
same time
UTC +03
2 hours
UTC +00
-1 hour
UTC +03
2 hours
UTC +01
same time
UTC +01
same time
UTC +01
same time
UTC +01
same time