- World
- New Zealand
- Wellington
- Porirua
Time in Porirua, New Zealand now
07:06:09 am
Wednesday, December 4th, 2024, week 49
Sun: ↑ 05:43 am ↓ 08:40 pm More info
Your local time
Time difference (+ 13 hours)
When it is Porirua time it will be my local time
7:00 AM
Your time
6:00 PM
Porirua time zone
Abbreviation for this time zone is NZDT, UTC +13:00
Porirua is currently switched to daylight saving time.
The IANA time zone identifier for Porirua is Pacific/Auckland
Sun Info
- Sunrise: 05:43 am
- Sunset: 08:40 pm
- Solar noon: 01:12 pm
- Day length: 14h 57m
Golden hour photography: 05:43 am — 06:24 am | 07:59 pm — 08:40 pm
05:43 am
08:40 pm
01:12 pm
14h 57m
Porirua on the map
Latitude: -41.13 Longitude: 174.85
Key facts
-41.13333, 174.85
New Zealand
268,680 km2
NZL, 554
Dollar (NZD)
en-NZ, mi
100 largest cities in New Zealand
Time difference Porirua from popular cities
UTC +02
-11 hours
UTC -06
-19 hours
UTC -08
-21 hours
UTC -05
-18 hours
UTC -03
-16 hours
UTC -05
-18 hours
UTC +07
-6 hours
UTC +07
-6 hours
UTC +04
-9 hours
UTC +02
-11 hours
UTC +08
-5 hours
UTC +03
-10 hours
UTC +09
-4 hours
UTC +08
-5 hours
UTC +09
-4 hours
UTC +11
-2 hours
UTC +01
-12 hours
UTC +03
-10 hours
UTC +00
-13 hours
UTC +03
-10 hours
UTC +01
-12 hours
UTC +01
-12 hours
UTC +01
-12 hours
UTC +01
-12 hours